Clinical supervision to help you gain the skills you need to thrive in your career.

When you’re ready to work towards your LCSW, I offer 1:1 supervision to help you get there and grow your clinical expertise along the way.

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Supervision is an important part of your growth as a therapist. As a Florida Qualified Supervisor, provide supervision to social work interns as they work toward licensure. I will help guide you through the therapeutic process and support you in you developing a therapeutic style that works for you. 

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In-person and virtual supervision

I remember the stress of balancing your clinical caseload and finding the right person with the right schedule for your supervision! I offer both virtual and in-person options so you can find the right cadence for your career.

Let’s talk.

Phone: 561-544-7799

5458 Town Center Rd. STE 13
Boca Raton, FL 33486

Inside the Brain and Wellness Center